Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bad Habits

I know most of us Mommy's out there try to steer our kids away from the things that we as parents consider bad habits. I have tried to keep aurora from doing those things which I might consider a bad habit, but one slipped through. One that i feel is a big one.

She naps in her swing. She has for a long time. As an infant she napped in her bassinet and her portable pack and play. I think she napped in her crib once. We moved her over to her crib at about two and a half months when she started sleeping through the night.. she slept in her crib at night. She had really bad congestion problems as a baby and the doctor suggested her sleeping upright.. in her car seat. We did that one night, but realized it just wasnt for us.. So we bought her a wedge and she slept on that, but it didnt recline very much. So we got into the habit of letting her sleep in her swing during the day since it was more upright. Well now at ten months old.. she only naps in her swing, maybe the car, occasionally the couch.. Well she is about a pound away from outgrowing her swing. So i figured its time for a change.

So yesterday we went cold turkey with the swing. I put her down in the crib and she screamed for about twenty minutes. I went in twice during those twenty minutes to soothe her.. She eventually fell asleep. I was using the Ferber method, so if she had cried about 30 minutes, i would have gotten her up and tried again. But luckily she fell asleep! She was asleep for about an hour and a half. I went in and woke her up after and hour an a half, what i normally let her nap for.. though i might push it to two hours.. and just forgo an afternoon nap. I praised her for napping in her crib like a big girl! I was so proud.

So then today hubby and I put her down to sleep at the same time, i like routines, and she cried for a few minutes and then complained, for a total of maybe six minutes and then fell right to sleep!!! Im so proud. I hope it keeps going this way.