Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Crazy busy!

Today was very busy. I had to go with my dad to the doctors today. They wanted me to bring him in because he isnt taking his blood pressure meds. And he also hurt his foot. We were there forever! We saw the doc, then got sent for x rays of his foot, then to the lab for blood work, then back to the doc to look at the x rays. Luckily the foot isnt broken. And his blood pressure has been so good lately that he doesnt need to take any meds at all! His kidney function tests are a little off, he is slightly anemic, and a bit of high cholesterol.. So he has got to watch what he eats.

Then we had to rush home. I hadnt eaten yet and it was noon. We go through the drive through at McDonald's on the way home. Get home by 12:30. We have a tv repairmen out.. he got there at about 1:30.. messed with the tv. Couldnt fix the problem right there, but ordered the part to fix it. So in a few weeks that hopefully will be done.

Then during all of that, the current moms club co-president came by to get some checks, chatted with her for a bit.. By the time all this was done it was like 3pm. Dad, Aurora, and I drove out to look at some brand new homes being built in town. They are pretty nice, but very very tiny yards.. more like condo yards.. The homes are large and nice.

Then home.. Put aurora down for a nap, though she didnt fall asleep..she just played for about thirty minutes. So she must not have been tired. Got her out of the crib and then john got home.

Now here i am. : )