Monday, November 17, 2008

Counting down the days...

So i am 39weeks 4days pregnant! 3days till my due date! Crazy thought it seems, i truly believe i will be going over my due date.. The entire pregnancy i thought i would go into labor sometime around Nov.23rd..we will see if that happens.. And my reasoning behind this is and was.. because on the first few ultrasounds i had i was measuring three days behind consistently.. though they never changed my due date, another reason is because my due date is based off of my LMP..and they calculate by a regular ovulation of cd14..and i always ovulated late..around cd16-18...

And now i think i will be going over my due date, because i wont see my midwife again until Wednesday...which honestly seems like forever away when its only two thats the day before my due sure she will strip my membranes then. She stripped them when i was pregnant with Aurora at 39weeks3days or so.. and three days labor i went into labor and had Aurora...

Though i would honestly like to go into labor any day ready to meet this baby, im ready to start the next chapter of our ready!

Anyways.. Today is Johns day off..So this morning we got up as a family...I cooked breakfast, we ate...hung around the living room for a bit..then all got dressed and all that jazz..then we went by the post office and the bank, then to buy john some new pants for work..since he has to dress in office attire and i really hated one of the pairs he was wearing all the time...

What we will be doing the rest of the day..i dont know.. We got lunch, came home and ate..aurora is napping..Im thinking of going to the mall.. I feel like a cow cause im too lazy to get all nicely dressed up. I do need to go to the dr.s office and pick up my prescription..but im unsure as to whether or not they are open since they were in one of the evacuated areas of the fires..i need to call ahead.