Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yesterday was...

Great. The perfect amount of productivity and fun! Aurora slept in till 9:20 which let john sleep in until 9:20 on his only day off, so that was great. I personally couldnt sleep that long, so i ended up reading little things in the what to expect: toddler years book... Then we all got up.. I cooked us breakfast, washed the dishes, john watched aurora while I scrubbed the shower down. When i came out, i could hear pumpkin crying, so i went into the living room and john said she was crying for no reason, she came over to me and hugged my legs and put her hands up like she wanted to be lifted up. I explained to john that she is very used to a routine in the morning and that she must be upset because its been very thrown off. John hasnt been around all day for weeks... he has been working non stop for weeks.. She isnt used to him watching her in the morning..and we have a tendency to do the same things every morning. So john brushed her teeth, then he sat her with in our bed and let her watch some cartoons while i got dressed, brushed my teeth, etc.. She was fine after she got back into the normal swing of things. Then I got her dressed while john got dressed. It was a rainy day out, so we werent sure what we were going to do. We had wanted to take her to the park, but it wasnt a good day for that.

So we headed off to run some, post office, and sams club for diapers. Then we decided to take her to the childrens museum. So we drove over there, she was ancy in the car, so she was crying by the time we got there, but once she was out of the car she was okay. We went in and i said "two adults" and they were like, oh its free today! I was like..score! sweet!!!! So we headed on in and let her play in the birth to five years room, but once we put her down she started crying, so i had to play with her on the floor for a bit to get her comfortable, she is getting attached to me lately.. and then she was fine. So then we played in there a bit, then went off into the other rooms. She had a blast and was all over the place.

Then we left there and got something to eat, fed pumpkin..then came home. Put her down for her nap and spent time together. Then when she woke up we headed out to the mall.. first we met my mom so she could buy some stuff for the shower...decorations and such..she wanted me to point out what we needed.. Then we went off to the mall.. Looked around a bit.. and then left and came home... Though the mall did give me a few ideas of what dress i may want to get for pumpkin for her christmas dress/outfit. Then when we got home it was time for her to eat. So john fed her while i cooked us dinner. Then we ate dinner, with pumpkin having some bread and such in her high chair... and then we watched some tv. Grandpa came over and played with pumpkin. They went outside together.. Then grandma came over to play with pumpkin. I mopped both bathroom floors. Then we fed pumpkin dinner and then john bathed her and we went about her bedtime routine... and then we watched some tv and then we went to bed.. all in all it was a good day.