Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Its official

My baby is walking! Ive been wondering for days now whether or not to consider it walking (and she has been doing it since ten months, but only on and off), but Ive decided it is. She wants to walk everywhere now, but if she falls she may resort to crawling if there is nothing near to help get back up..but if she has the option between the two, she chooses walking.. She is going farther and farther now..trying to walking into other rooms, but the baby gates pose a problem, she has to step over them, even then she can make it if she holds onto the gate. She walks when we go to other peoples houses.

So its official. She took her first few steps at nine months, started walking in between objects a few steps without assistance at ten months, and is walking everywhere she can at eleven months.

Here is a video i took of her the other night right before bedtime and her bath.


MomOfDudes said...

So cute, I could watch that video all day.

Lacey + 2 said...

haha awwwww shes toooo cute!